
【Little Cola's Favorites Sharing】【Refa Gold Bars and other Favorite Instruments】

Today I would like to share with you the most effective and affordable instruments I have found in recent years.

Including massage, cleansing and skin care.

1. 24KBeauty Gold Bar

The golden rod is probably an instrument for everyone.

The head is plated with pure gold, which makes the gold contact the skin to improve the micro-current in the body Helps metabolism.

Stimulates blood flow and generates negative ions at a frequency of 6000 vibrations per minute to improve skin condition .

Function: Improve facial lines. Go to puffiness. Improve facial fine lines. Promote blood circulation.

Advantages: easy to carry. water proof.

Cons: Battery replacement required. However it does not show the remaining battery.

My usage: Use as a massage cream. Use before makeup.

Price:150Approx. US dollars950RMB

Refa Series

The instrument brand that has been popular in recent years. The feature is to use the solar panel on the front of the product to generate micro-current to improve the skin condition and tighten it.

A personal way to verify the authenticity: use the scroll wheel to unlock the screen.

2. Refa S Carat

The most commonly used eye instruments. Includes a cleaning cloth and small pocket. Use with eye cream the effect of lifting and reducing fine lines is very obvious. Platinum coating on the surface of the rollers. The solar panels on the surface of the product generate micro-currents to improve the skin. The roller and the skin fit perfectly. Very comfortable on the face. At the same time, it can improve the nasolabial folds and the forehead lines.

Function: Improve fine lines. Lift and tighten.

Advantages: easy to carry.

Cons: Not waterproof! Not to be used in the shower. Be careful when cleaning.

My usage: Use with eye cream and face cream.

Price:160Approx. US dollars1000RMB

3. Refa Carat Ray

The most commonly used face and body massager. The principle is the same as the RefaEye Massager. More suitable for large area massage. Improves blood circulation. unclogs the lymph. Thin legs and arms can be used.

Function: To dredge the blood. Slim down.

Advantages: Can be used in multiple parts. The effect of slimming and removing puffiness is remarkable.

Cons: Not waterproof! Not to be used in the shower.

My usage: Use with massage cream all over the body.

Price:320Approx. US dollars2000US dollars

4. Philips SonicareElectric Toothbrush

I started with an electric toothbrush fromOral B. This comparesOral BFour more functions. Available longer than Oral B . The brush head is softer than Oral B. I also bought its net red pink electric toothbrush. (usually for travel) This is the most everyday. The included toothpaste box linkUSB can be charged. At the same time, it is equipped with a base hand plug. Home Newest Connectable PhoneApp Learn more about your teeth.

Function: Clean and whiten teeth. Protect your gums.

Advantages: easy to carry. Different modes are for different needs.

Disadvantage: You can only brush your teeth manually when you forget to charge.

Price:80Approx. US dollars500RMB.

5.Neutrogena Red and Blue Light Acne Mask

First of all.. Many reviews on the Internet make this mask a myth. This red and blue light mask is for inflammatory acne only. Other whitening and other effects are also based on acne treatment. If you don't have acne. This mask is basically useless for you. Products are divided into face shields and Activator. Every Activatoravailable30 times. The effect is very good. Lights1-2times, you can see obvious improvement of acne. 10minutes at a time.

Function: Acne removal

Pros: Convenience. Quick results. parity.

Cons: Although goggles are included in the mask. It is recommended not to keep your eyes open the whole time. The light is more intense.

Price:35Approx. US dollars230RMB.

Activator:15 USD is about 100RMB.

[Recommended for Yami]

6. Ovonni Facial Sauna

This one doesn't have much introduction. Every facial sauna works great. The original intention of choosing this one is because of its unique appearance. Wear a vanity mirror. Small in size. Use before makeup to make the base makeup more compliant. Or use it with a massager to get rid of puffy hands and face. It is also possible to apply the lotion to the face in a more delicate way. can be used as a humidifier.

7.Conair Sonic Cleansing Brush

Although it is a cleansing brush. But more often I use it for body washes. It has three face brush heads and one body brush head (not pictured in the photo.) The cleaning power is very good. Weak, medium and strong strength modes.

Function: Improves skin texture. Cleans pores.

Benefits: Can be used as face or body. The whole body is waterproof. Can be used in the shower. Easy to carry.

Disadvantages: The brush head has a hard texture. Do not use on the face. (Facial cleansing I preferForeo Luna)

Price:50Approx. US dollars320RMB

[Recommended for Yami]

8.Luvodi Multifunctional vanity mirror

Makeup light is soft and clear for makeup use. contains2x and 3x mirrors for easy viewing of details. The mirror body is foldable. Can be installed with batteries or connected to a power source. The mirror body and base are detachable for easy portability.

Function: Spotlight vanity mirror.

Advantages: easy to carry. Multifunctional.

Disadvantage: Batteries need to be replaced every so often.

Price:30Approx. US dollars200RMB.

[Highly recommended for Yami]

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1. 24K美容黄金棒


头部采用的是纯金镀层,使黄金与肌肤接触从而改善体内微电流 帮助新陈代谢。





我的用法:当配按摩膏使用。 上妆前使用。


Refa 系列



2. Refa S Carat

最常用的眼部仪器。内附一块清洁布及小口袋。配合眼霜使用 提拉及去细纹的效果非常明显。 滚轮表面使用铂金镀层。产品表面的太阳能光版产生微电流改善皮肤。滚轮与肌肤贴合度满分。上脸十分舒服。可同时改善法令纹抬头纹等。



缺点:不防水!洗澡时不能用。 清洁时需注意。



3. Refa Carat Ray

最常用的脸部及身体按摩仪。原理与Refa眼部按摩仪相同。比较适合大面积按摩。 改善血液循环。 疏通淋巴。瘦腿瘦手臂都可以使用。

功能:疏通血液。 瘦身。





4. Philips Sonicare电动牙刷

最开始使用的是Oral B的电动牙刷。 这款比起Oral B多了四个功能。可用时间比Oral B 更久。刷头比Oral B更柔软。也入手了它家的网红粉色电动牙刷。(通常旅行用)这个最为日常。自带的牙膏盒链接USB就可以充电。同时配有底座手式插头。家最新款可连接手机App 进一步了解你牙齿的情况。

功能:清洁美白牙齿。 保护牙龈。




5.Neutrogena 红蓝光照祛痘面具

首先.. 网上许多评价把这款面具神话了。 这款红蓝光照面具仅针对炎症性痘痘。 其他的美白等其它效果也是在祛痘的基础上。如果你本身是没有痘痘的。这款面具基本上对你没有任何用处。产品分为面罩和Activator。每个Activator可用30次。效果非常好。 灯照1-2次可以看见痘痘明显的改善。每次自动灯照10分钟。







6.Ovonni 脸部桑拿

这个没有太多的介绍。每一款脸部桑拿都很有效。选择这款的初衷是因为它外形比较特别。佩戴化妆镜。体积小巧。化妆前使用可使底妆更加服帖。或搭配按摩仪器去浮肿手脸。也可以使化妆水以更细腻的方式上脸。 可当加湿器使用。

7.Conair 声波洁面刷

虽然是洁面刷。但是更多时候我用在身体洗护上。 配有三个脸部刷头一个身体刷头(拍照时没拍到。)清洁力度非常好。弱中强三种力度模式。



缺点:刷头质感较硬。 不宜上脸使用。(脸部清洁我更推荐Foreo Luna



8.Luvodi 多功能化妆镜

化妆灯柔和清晰适合化妆时使用。 包含2x 3x的镜子方便看到细节。镜身为折叠式。可装电池也可连接电源使用。镜身与底座可拆开方便携带。


优点:方便携带。 多功能。


