Awesome my red oil! This Yuan Xian red oil is almost omnipotent, any ingredient, as long as this red oil is added, it will be very delicious immediately! Didn't I make a barbecue two days ago. There were still a lot of chicken gizzards left, so I mixed some of this red oil into it, and the effect was amazing! numb! hot! fresh! fragrant! we have everything! It's like eating skewers on the streets of Chengdu! The essence of Yuan Xian's bobo chicken and hot and sour noodles are all in this bottle of red oil! So, especially a big bowl of chicken gizzards was eaten by me, and there was only so much left. If I hadn’t thought about taking a picture for you guys, the bowl would have been gone long ago🌝 Whether it's meat or vegetables, just boil it or roast it, and then mix it with this red oil, it's super awesome! Wouldn't it be cool to prepare such a bowl of snacks as a snack during a spring outing! The little friends next to you envy you so much 🌝 Promise me, don't rush too fast when restocking, can you leave me a few bottles 🙈
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yami_featured_image 厉害了我的红油!这个袁鲜红油简直无所不能啊,随便什么食材,只要加了这个红油,立刻就特别好吃! 前两天我不是做了烧烤嘛,当时还剩了很多鸡胗,我就往里面拌了些这个红油,效果好惊艳! 麻!辣!鲜!香!全部都有!仿佛就在成都街头吃的串串一样!袁鲜的钵钵鸡和酸辣粉的精髓都在这瓶红油里! 所以啊,特别一大碗鸡胗被我吃的到拍照就只剩这么多了,要不是我心里还想着给你们拍个照片,碗里这些早就没了🌝 不管是肉类啊,还是蔬菜什么的,随便煮一下或者烤一下,然后用这个红油拌起来都超级赞! 这么一碗小吃,春游的时候备着当零食岂不是爽歪歪!旁边小伙伴得多羡慕你啊🌝 答应我,补货的时候别抢的太快,给我留几瓶好吗🙈