I remember one summer vacation, intern in the imperial capital. During the lunch break, the boss took everyone to a ramen restaurant for lunch. In the audience, only the boss and I ate all the noodles. The boss glanced at my empty bowl and nodded meaningfully: "It looks like you have lived a hard life." Isn't it ლ(ٱ٥ٱლ) How could I eat this when I was studying abroad! ! Thanks Yami, I can eat it again. ps: The vegetarian meat is actually spicy dried bean curd. It is perfect to eat alone as a snack, or it is more interesting to cook a few slices of beef by yourself.
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记得某年暑假,在帝都实习。午休老大带着大家去拉面馆吃午饭。全场只有我和老大把面吃了一干二净,老大看了眼我的空碗,意味深长的点点头:“一看就是过过苦日子的。” 可不是嘛ლ(ٱ٥ٱლ)留学的日子我哪能吃到这个啊!! 感谢亚米,我又能吃到了。 ps:素肉其实是麻辣豆干,单独当零食吃完美,还是自己涮几片牛肉进去更带感。