The packaging is very beautiful, it feels very high ~ the powder is like a cream, easy to apply, and it does not stick to the powder The seal can't cover it, suitable for girls with good skin~ I personally like the feeling of dryness after application, this one is a bit moisturizing~ Girls who want to buy, be careful...
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包装挺好看的,感觉很高大上~粉像面霜一样,容易涂抹,而且不卡粉🙂可以点赞👍🏻不过价格太高了,一瓶等于差不多4瓶Amani的价钱了☹️ 遮瑕效果一般,痘印遮不住,适合肤质好的妹子~我个人混合肤质,比较喜欢涂完干爽的感觉,这款有点滋润了~想买的妹子们慎重…