[Fried Chicken Kitchen] This dry-roasted shrimp paste is really delicious! The recipe is super simple, with less ingredients than yesterday's Mapo Tofu, just shrimp and green onions! Coat the shrimp with a little starch and fry in a pan until half cooked, add the sauce and simmer over a low heat, sprinkle with chopped green onion. I rarely use this kind of prepared sauce, but I have always been curious about the taste of エビチリ in those homemade Chinese dishes in Japan. Unexpectedly super and my taste, sweet and spicy, a bit like fish-flavored shrimp. Not to mention the aftertaste is really a bit spicy haha.
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yami_featured_image 【炸鸡厨房】这个干烧虾仁酱真的相当好吃了!做法超级简单,比昨天麻婆豆腐还少材料,只需要虾仁和葱就可以啦! 虾仁裹一点淀粉下油锅煎到半熟,加入酱小火焖一下,撒上葱花就好了。 我很少用这种做好的酱 但一直很好奇日本那些自创中华料理里面对的エビチリ到底是啥味。意外的超级和我的口味,甜辣的,有点像鱼香虾仁。别说吃完回味还真的有点辣哈哈。