
【Follow Gege to eat Chengdu😝】Chengdu is the best to eat rich bobo chicken (hold back your drool)🐔

[跟着格格吃成都😝】Chengdu's best food and richness Makes your mouth water"saliva Qianchi"Bobo Chicken🐔 p>

👉Today's#跟着格格吃成都# I especially want to share with you a super delicious bowl of chicken! ! Although Bobo Chicken has been posted before but this one is really delicious! Seeing the rich set is really "saliva flows three thousand feet" I can't walk when I see it! This (Leshan Xianzhiwei Bobo Chicken) is the most famous in Chengdu It is also the most authentic Leshan Bobo Chicken ! ! Super Pashi taste Vine pepper and red oil Each pot is freshly worn every day wear again after eating Very fresh and the boss The table is very clean The marinade is also delicious! ! The key is that there are many kinds of meat dishes to choose from Each one is delicious No strange smell! And the meat dishes are all 5corners Super deal! !

Bobo Chicken is a traditional Sichuan snack that originated in Leshan [ It belongs to Sichuan cuisine ~ It has a history of hundreds of years since the Qing Dynasty! It is made by mixing boneless chicken slices with a variety of seasonings in a pottery bowl with spicy and spicy seasonings ~ Crispy skin and tender meat Spicy and spicy Sweet and salty characteristics ! Eat milk noodle soup with Bo Bo chicken Unique span> ~1990 Won the Chengdu Individual Name Snack Quality Award 1991 In 2009, it was named as a high-quality famous snack by the Chengdu Municipal People's Government! ! !

The more famous ones are: Bo Ke Teng Pepper Bo Bo Chicken Xianhe Xiangbo Bo Bo Chicken~Bo Bo Chicken I feel very newBowl"It's actually a crock pot The outside of the bowl is painted with red and yellow Porcelain dragon pattern The bowl is served with spicy and spicy seasoning Dishes are skewered after special processing of beads Allow to cool and immerse in a variety of flavored condiments eat at your own pace In addition to the long taste, it is more interesting

Bobo chicken has a deep history Bobo chicken is easy to eat span> Various flavors to choose from Serve with special chicken soup and rice for a casual taste or as a meal! Bo Bo chicken is mainly cooked meat not overcooked span>Eight minutes is enough! Then dry cut into slices Use bamboo skewers to separate categories and string together! Very rich with chicken fillets boneless chicken feet hairy belly Yellow Throat Chicken Gizzard span>Country Chicken Heart < /span>Heaven Wing Tip Quail eggs Spicy beef ...... And very refreshing vegetarian dishes Lotus Chips Potato Chips Lettuce Lettuce Agaric Cauliflower Dried Tofu ...... Put it in the rattan pepper oil soup, and then lift it to the mouth, the oil is dripping span> !! Strings Can't stop at all!

😝 Ok today 跟着格格吃成都 There you go I hope you like my sharing Like my sharing Image Compared to Heart ღ( ´ ` ) < span class="s6">Hope you all have a good day 💖

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【跟着格格吃成都😝】成都最最好吃丰富的钵钵鸡 (忍住口水)🐔

【跟着格格吃成都😝】成都最最好吃丰富的 让人"口水直流三千尺"的钵钵鸡🐔

👉今天的#跟着格格吃成都# 特别想要给大家分享一家超级好吃的钵钵鸡!!虽然之前有发过钵钵鸡 但是这家真的是太好吃!看到丰富的摆台真的就是"口水直流三千尺" 看到就走不动了!这家(乐山鲜知味钵钵鸡)是成都最最出名的 也算是最最正宗的乐山钵钵鸡!!味道超级巴适 分藤椒和红油 每一盆都是每天现穿的 吃完了就又穿 非常的新鲜 而且老板摆台很干净 玛料也很够味!!关键是可以选择的素材荤菜种类很多 每个都很入味 没有怪味腥味!而且素材荤菜都是5 超级划算!!

钵钵鸡是一种四川传统名小吃,起源于乐山 [ 属于川菜系 ~ 从清代流传至今已有上百年的历史!是以陶器钵盛放配以麻辣为主的佐料 加上多种调料的去骨鸡片拌和而成 ~ 有皮脆肉嫩 麻辣鲜香 甜咸适中的特色 ! 吃奶汤面时配以钵钵鸡 别具风格 ~1990 年获成都市个体名小吃优质奖 1991 年被成都市人民政府命名为优质名小吃!!!

比较出名的如:钵客藤椒钵钵鸡 祥和祥钵钵鸡~钵钵鸡一听其名 就觉得很新奇钵钵其实就是瓦罐 钵外面是画着红黄相间的瓷质龙纹 钵内盛放配以麻辣为主的佐料 菜品在特珠殊加工后用签串制 晾冷浸于各种口味的佐料中 食用时自取自食 除味道悠长外更添情趣盎然

钵钵鸡有着深厚的历史渊源 钵钵鸡食用方便 多种口味可选择 配以特色鸡汤饭即可休闲品味 亦可权作一餐!钵钵鸡主要是将肉煮熟 不能煮烂 八分火候就行!之后晾干 切成片 用竹签分门别类串成串!非常的丰富 有鸡肉片 无骨鸡爪 毛肚 黄喉 鸡胗 郡把 鸡心 天堂 鸡翅尖 鹌鹑蛋 麻辣牛肉 ...... 还有非常爽口的素菜 藕片 土豆片 莴笋 笋子 木耳 花菜 豆干 ...... 放进藤椒油汤里一捞,再举至嘴边,油艳欲滴 !! 一串串的 完全停不下来!

😝 好啦今天的 跟着格格吃成都 就到这里啦 希望大家喜欢我的分享 喜欢我的图片 比心 ღ( ´ ` ) 愿大家都有开心美好的一天 💖