[Fried Chicken Snack Shop] Evergreen biscuits in memory, have you revealed your age when you love them? I didn't eat Evergreen when I was young, but I found it occasionally in the canteen when I was in high school. After that, I directly repurchased it with my friends in the dormitory box by box 😂😂😂 Those days were really fat and happy The biggest feature of this biscuit is that it is very inconspicuous from the name to the packaging! Most people may not have the desire to buy a strange cookie that looks like this on the shelf. But you can only understand its good taste after you actually taste it. The biscuit itself is slightly sweet and the taste is crispy and fragrant. Take a bite, the salty and rich green onion fragrance is in the mouth, making people unable to resist one bite after another. Don't look at this one without independent packaging and worry that it will not be stored well, it means that it will be eaten up before it becomes damp🍚🍚🍚🍚
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yami_featured_image 【炸鸡零食铺】回忆中的万年青饼干,爱吃的你暴露年龄了么? 炸鸡小时候并没有吃过万年青,是高中的时候在小卖部偶尔找到的。之后就直接和宿舍的小伙伴一箱一箱地回购😂😂😂那段日子真的是胖并快乐着 这个饼干最大的特点就是,从名字到包装都特别不起眼! 平时在货架上看到一款长成这样的陌生饼干大部分人可能都不会有买的欲望。 但实际尝过之后才能领会它的好味道,饼干本身是微甜,口感酥香。咬一口,咸香浓郁的葱香味在口中,让人忍不住一口接一口。 别看这款没有独立包装担心不好保存,表示根本等不到它变潮就已经被吃空了🍚🍚🍚🍚