The last time I ordered it was just sent to Yami, and the price was reduced. Bad review ah ah ah, and then the baby couldn't hold back and ordered another whole box. Super super recommended Tang Daren tonkotsu ramen is simply the king of out of stock. Haidilao hot pot is discounted to three yuan and six, which is a good deal. Rice cake buy one get one free
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上次订的刚刚寄到 亚米就降价打折 差评 啊啊啊啊 然后宝宝没忍住就又订了一整箱。超级超级推荐汤达人豚骨拉面 简直是断货王啊。海底捞火锅打折打到三块六 好划算。大米饼买一送一 棒棒哒