🐷 Nose Stick Trilogy 🐽 I love and hate the little pig trilogy, the effect is still there, but it is very time-consuming 😂 I spend a lot of time on the little pig's nose every time😓 Check out the steps now! 🌟Tear off the first post, take out the nasal mask and stick it on the nose. The thin mask paper texture can stick to the skin of the nose. This step is to remove the sebum and blackheads in the pores and help to open the pores. Apply for 5-10 minutes. The time of application varies from person to person. Don't wait for the nasal mask to dry before removing it. When removing, make sure that the nose feels moist. 🌟The second sticker is to remove blackheads. You can dip some water on the nose, not too much or too little, so that the nose sticker can fit the nose more firmly, and the effect of tearing off will be better. Apply for about 15 to 20 minutes, but don't be too hard, be careful to hurt your nose. 🌟Everyone knows that the pores will become larger when the blackheads are pulled out after applying the nose stick. The third step of the nose sticker setting must be to shrink the pores. This is an essential step. The transparent gel texture is very easy to apply on the nose. It's refreshing, smells great, and doesn't irritate at all. All in all, it's a hassle, but the effect is still good! Some babies may find it tasteless, but it still works for me 🐷 nose ❤️
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yami_featured_image 🐷鼻贴三部曲🐽 对于小猪三部曲是又爱又恨的,效果还是有的但是就是很费时间😂每一次都花很多时间在小猪鼻上😓 现在就来看看步骤! 🌟撕开第一帖,取出鼻膜贴在鼻头上,薄薄的面膜纸质地,能紧贴鼻头皮肤,这一步是为了让毛孔中的皮脂和黑头,往外排除,帮助打开毛孔。敷5-10分钟,敷的时间因人而异,不要等鼻膜贴干了才揭开,揭开的时候一定要保证鼻子有湿润感在 🌟第二贴是拔黑头的,可以在鼻子上面稍微蘸些水,不要太多也不要太少,这样能让鼻贴更加牢固的贴合鼻头,撕下来的效果也会更加好。敷个15至20分钟左右,但不要太大力了,小心把鼻子弄伤。 🌟大家都知道贴完鼻贴拔出黑头会有毛孔变大的现象,这第三步鼻贴设定必须是收缩毛孔了,这是必不可少的一步,透明凝胶质地,敷在鼻头很舒爽,味道也很好闻,而且完全不刺激。 总之虽然麻烦但是效果还是不错的!可能有些宝宝觉得很鸡肋,对我🐷鼻还是有效的❤️