【cpb night milk】 ✨Both bottles of night milk are empty! I have been using cpb's skin care for a while. I first fell in love with its base makeup before buying skin care skins. I have combination oily skin. Generally speaking, it is quite suitable for my skin type. I have several single products. I like it very much. I especially like sunscreen, isolation, powder cream, liquid foundation facial cleanser, and rose essential oil. Of course, there is also the famous night cream! ✨Today I want to talk about the difference between the Japanese version and the US version of night cream. Night cream is divided into refreshing and moisturizing types, you can choose according to your skin type. Since the revision, the moisturizing type has been packaged in a cream-like short bottle. Picture 1 and 2 on the left is the American version I bought myself, and on the right is the Japanese version given to me by a friend. Both are refreshing. The two taste the same. It's all bland and tasteless. For quality map 3, I squeeze both night creams on cotton pads. The Japanese version will be a little thicker and less fluid. The US version has become a droplet shape. It can be seen that the Japanese version will A little more moisturizing than the US version. Color The Japanese version is pure white. The American version is a little pinkish white. ✨I feel that I have a version on one side of the face these days and nights. I want to try the difference between the Japanese version and the US version. I always use the night cream on a cotton pad. To be honest, I don’t seem to feel any big difference. Both versions are well absorbed on the face and are very comfortable. They all say that the Japanese version is better than the US version. I feel that except for the texture, it seems to be a little more moisturizing, and the others are not much different. The US version is used It's not too bad. I think it's fine as long as it suits your skin type.
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yami_featured_image 【cpb夜乳】 ✨两瓶夜乳都空瓶啦!用了cpb家护肤有一段时间了,当初是先爱上它家的底妆才后买护肤皮.我是混油皮.它家总体来说还是蛮适合我的肤质.好几个单品我都很喜欢.防晒,隔离,粉霜,粉底液洗面奶,玫瑰精油我都特别喜欢.当然,还有大名鼎鼎的夜乳! ✨今天想来说说日版和美版夜乳的区别.夜乳是分清爽和滋润型的,大家可以根据自己的肤质来选择。自从改版后,滋润型都变成霜状的矮瓶罐包装了。图一二左边的是我自己买的美版,右边是朋友送给我的日版.都是清爽型. 味道 两款味道差不多。都淡淡的没什么味. 质地 图三我的分别把两个夜乳都挤在化妆棉上,日版的会更厚一点点,流动性不强.美版的已经变成水滴状啦.这点可以看出日版会比美版的更滋润一点. 颜色 日版的是纯白色的.美版的是带有一点点淡淡的粉白色. ✨使用感觉 我这几天晚上都是一边脸上一个版本.想试试看日版和美版的区别,我都是用化妆棉上的夜乳,说实话比较下来好像没有感受到特别大的区别.两个版本涂在脸上都很好吸收都很舒服.都说日版比美版配方好.我就觉得除了看上去质地上会明显滋润一点,其他的也没有太大的不一样.美版用着也不会太差.我觉得只要是能够适合自己的肤质就好啦.