Good morning mask on the sixth day 💆🏻 🌸Removable mask, a pack of 32 sheets, can be used for a whole month, economical mask 🌸 Grapefruit flavor, very fresh 🌸 Apply on the face and cool down! very refreshing 🌸The mask paper is not big enough if you lay it flat, you need to stretch it out to be really docile~
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第六天打卡早安面膜💆🏻 🌸抽取式面膜,一包有32张,可以用一整个月,经济适用型面膜 🌸柚子味儿,很清新 🌸敷上脸上后凉凉凉凉凉!非常提神醒脑 🌸面膜纸平铺的话不够大,需要撑开一下才会真的服帖哦~