🌟A1 Abalone Noodles🌟 A friend has always recommended this abalone noodle, saying it is very good, so this time I bought it and tried it! The overall evaluation is ok, it feels like a healthy noodle 😂 There is a strong smell of medicinal herbs Not to mention, these two abalones give people a very good impression! Unlike many instant noodles that say what kind of noodles, it is basically the same taste, there is no real material like this 😂 Since it is a soup made from herbal soup buns + abalone juice, it tastes very fragrant and strong. The noodles are really Q bomb, I still like this noodles very much The abalone is also very chewy, just a little smaller 😂 You can add a variety of vegetables or eggs by yourself, it will be more delicious! I didn't add anything today just to try the original flavor! Overall it's still worth it! Continue to repurchase ❤️ If you don't like herbs like Angelica, be careful!
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yami_featured_image 🌟A1鲍鱼面🌟 一直有朋友推荐这款鲍鱼面,说很不错,所以这次就买回来试试看! 总体评价还OK,感觉是养生面😂有一股浓浓的药材味 别的不说就这两只鲍鱼就给人很有好感! 不像很多泡面说是什么什么面,基本都是那个味,没有像这个这么的真材实料😂 由于是药材汤包+鲍鱼汁调出来的汤,所以味道好香好浓 面真的非常的Q弹,我还是挺喜欢这个面的 鲍鱼也非常的有嚼劲,就是小了点😂 可以自己加各种青菜或鸡蛋,会更好吃哦! 我今天什么都没有加就是为了试试原味到底是什么样! 总体还是很值得入的!继续回购❤️ 如果不喜欢药材像当归这样的就慎入哦!