
To make a delicious dish, a bottle of good sauce is indispensable (Part 1)

🌟Kitchen Sauce🌟

Hot Girl Hot Girl Hot girls are not afraid of spicy since childhood😂😂😂

Back to business, okay? 😜😜What song to sing! Although it sounds good haha😄

My Kitchen's Spicy Sauce Sauce< span class="s3"> That's about it!

I'm in the South New Orleans, LA!

Our favorite here in the South is seafood! And spicy spicy Spicy!

Hot Sauce at Home Picture 1 TabascoHot Sauce!

This bottle is also our specialty here Grow your own peppers< span class="s3"> Then add salt and vinegar to marinate for three years! Very healthy hot sauce! The taste is sour and spicy!

Basically used to stick things to eat Of course, you can also add any soup inside lovely ❤️

 Figures 2 and 3 are too common< /span> Basically love spicy babies at home❤️❤️ p>

Especially Lao Ganma, how can there be less, all sauces are inWalmart You can buy them all, except for Lao Ganma, which I can only buy at Yami, or the local Chinese supermarket!

Picture 4 is amazing Louisiana crayfish know it! It's made from these two bottles! Without these two bottles, there would be no that smell!

Crayfish season, live crayfish jumping and jumping only from February to July every year!

Thanks for watching❤️

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辣妹子辣 辣妹子辣 辣妹子从小不怕辣😂😂😂


我厨房的带辣的酱料 调味料 差不多就这样!

我在南方 路州新奥尔良!

我们南方这里最喜欢就是海鲜啦!还有辣 辣!

家里必备辣酱 图一的 Tabasco辣酱!

这瓶也是我们这里的特产 辣椒自己种 然后加盐和醋腌制三年!非常健康的辣酱!味道就是酸辣味!

基本用来粘东西吃 当然也可以加入任何汤 面里 超爱的❤️

 图二和图三太普遍了 基本爱辣宝宝的家里都有❤️


图四这个厉害了 路易斯安那小龙虾知道吧!就是靠这两瓶煮出来的!没有这两瓶就没有那个味!

