【Supergoop! SPF50 Sunscreen Mousse] The previous article said that sunscreen can prevent skin cancer and slow down skin aging. This time I will introduce you to a convenient sunscreen mousse. This niche brand was founded precisely because the founder's partner was troubled by skin cancer, and wanted to help more people prevent this disease. So on the back of the bottle, there will also be tips on how to prevent it. This sunscreen mousse has a sun protection factor of SPF 50, and its waterproof performance lasts for 80mins, which is especially suitable for playing in the water and going out to sea. On the skin, it is refreshing, not sticky and not greasy, and the price is also very high. The amount of 210ml is only 34 US dollars. Seriously! At first I thought it tasted like cucumber, but after careful inspection, it was a combination of kale, shea butter, olives, and avocado oil. But even if you know the ingredients, you can conclude that it smells like cucumber. So even if the taste in the ingredients is not pleasing to you, you can use it with confidence. Supergoop! 's products are available in many places, such as Supergoop! The website, Sephora, Madewell even have travel kits. For those who still want to play and play before school starts, this sunscreen mousse is exactly what they need to buy and try. Such a good product, Yami will be on the shelves soon! 👏
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yami_featured_image 【Supergoop!SPF50防晒慕斯】 前一篇说到防晒可以预防皮肤癌和减缓皮肤衰老,这一次就给大家介绍一个方便使用防晒慕斯。 这款小众的品牌,创始原因正是因为创始人的伙伴被皮肤癌所困扰着,便想帮助更多的人预防这种疾病。所以在瓶子背面,也会印有如何预防的小贴士。 这款防晒慕斯有SPF 50的防晒系数,它的防水性能持续80mins,特别适合玩水和出海使用。抹在皮肤上,清爽不粘不腻,性价比也很高210ml的量,只需34美金。真心实在!一开始一直以为它的味道是黄瓜的清香味,但仔细看了成分是甘蓝,乳木果,橄榄,以及牛油果油混合起来的味道。但你就算知道了成分,也会断定就像黄瓜一样的气味。所以就算成分里的味道不讨你的好,也大可放心使用。 Supergoop!的产品在很多地方都可以购买到,例如Supergoop!的网站,Sephora, Madewell更是有旅行小套装。 那些还想趁着开学之前,游玩游玩的人来说,这款防晒慕斯正是需要买来试一试的。 这么好的商品,亚米也快上架吧!👏