
[Planting grass record] Japanese dhc lip balm

Push a lip balm planted by friends——-Japan< /span>dhclip balm

Let me brag here first really< span class="s1"> Very easy to use Super invincible and easy to use ! !

It can be used when the air conditioner is dry in summer It is a must for autumn and winter! Excellent lip balm!

AnddhcLip Balm is all about natural!

      ➡️ No coloring, no fragrance, no additives It is said that pregnant women and children can also use it with confidence

It also woncosmeFirst place in the lip care category (yes CosmeFor the brainless fans Favorabilityupupup It is impossible not to buy)


1⃣️: Apply a thick layer at night before bed It will feel like a lard mouth but not sticky And the next morning, lips are extra moisturised gently The dead skin came down after rubbing it with my hand~ The lip lines have also faded a lot~

2⃣️: It's also great as a primer before applying lipstick! Becausedhcthe texture of the lip balm is not particularly oily so it won't lighten the color of the lipstick doesn't make the lipstick No coloring 

The only thing that surprised me was I used itused up Heartache2019

Other than that Really recommend this lip balm< span class="s1"> It's cheap after all (9.5$) Super easy to use Added to my repo list


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让我在这里先夸一波 真的 很好用 超级无敌好用!!

夏天吹空调干燥的时候可以用 更是秋冬必备!口碑超好的润唇膏!


      ➡️无着色无香料无添加 据说孕妇跟儿童也可以放心使用哦

它还得过cosme大赏护唇类第一名(对Cosme脑残粉来说 好感度upupup 不买是不可能的了)


1⃣️:晚上睡觉前涂厚厚的一层 会有猪油嘴的感觉 但是感觉不粘腻 而且第二天早上起来嘴唇特别滋润 轻轻用手一搓死皮都下来了~唇纹还淡化了好多~

2⃣️:用来当作涂口红前的打底也特别棒!因为dhc润唇膏的膏体质地也不是特别油润型的 所以不会减淡口红的颜色 也不会使口红不上色 

唯一我很意外的一点是 我竟然把它用用断了心痛2019

除此以外 真的强推这个润唇膏 毕竟价钱便宜(9.5$超级好用 已经加入我的回购列表啦
