
stockpile elimination plan

Hello everyone, I am Bicake( ´` )

2018It will be almost half a year soon, I believe that the family will inevitably accumulate a lot of new products bought fresh and unused. . A middle-aged girl cake that upholds the virtues of being diligent and thrifty and not wasting good virtues, you need to set up a flag🚩, some skin care products will be in stock within two weeks.


💙 Clinique Clear Butter Gel

Just like Clinique's Hydro Magnetic Face Cream has the same status in the hearts of girls with oily skin, the butter cream is the cheap heart water of many friends with dry skin. A curious foodie like me, rightbutter span>The two words are always infinite reverie. How smooth and moisturizing the cream is, can it be described by butter as smooth as suet?  

Because of the concern that oily skin is easy to block pores and cause acne, no matter how much you want to kiss Fangze, you can only have a long-term view of butter cream. Yet this year, Clinique heard my heart The voice of , came out an oil-free version of transparent butter suitable for mixed oil and oily skin.. So I bought it without hesitation. travel size, happy to try it out.< /p>

💡Want to give Clinique a blast, just 5Knife'stravel size, exactly for The best products for the girl who wants to try everything. 

Look at thissizeIt will last for about two weeks, which is enough to try out the new product. Suitable for you. Even if it is not suitable, the small capacity is easy to destroy. 💯


💙 Takami Pore Conditioner


This is the first 4bottle I have used since the previous release of new products. takamito.

The appearance and hygienic design must be given full marks. It is still true to this day See pore unclog and acne reduction results. 

But why does it become a hoarding existence when it is effective? It is because I am a careless cake slag, silently suqqu Blackhead Cleanser⁄(⁄ ⁄ ⁄ω⁄ ⁄ ⁄)⁄

The so-called wife is not as good as a concubine, and the old is not as good as the new. >suqquI am running in, if I don't pay attention, I will takamiSet aside in dust.


💙 SKII Fairy Water


💰This bottle of fairy water gave me a good experience“< /span>Don't be too greedyThis old truth.

I want to see it when I first sawCostco 330mlBig bottle of fairy water for sale $189, happy like a little mouse stealing oil, I bought two bottles in one go❗️And I'm not dying to encounter seasonal skin allergies. Every time I use the fairy water, my face is flushed.. Since I saw it, I was upset, thinking about when these two large cans should be used..

Huangtian pays off. After more than half a year of diligence and diligence, the fairy water is a heroic trial like filtered water, and I finally have to say goodbye to it only one step away.

Looking at this momentum, within a week, I can officially empty the bottle. And finally can start trying -- new another bottle of fairy water (spit blood.


💙 IPSA Self-regulatory cycle whiteningImilk


Do not doubt your eyes, this bottlewater< span class="s2">”It’s really a lotion.

During the severe allergy period of the previous year, IPSA's self-discipline cycle series are most suitable for Combination skinI, III I have used almost all the lotions. To be honest, the whitening, moisturizing, and sensitive series really use It doesn't make much difference.. EspeciallyI< The water-like design of span class="s1">No. milk often makes me feel a kind of base coat Have you ever experienced Self-doubt of Alzheimer's in the early stages.  

Because of the ultra-gentle effect of this lotion on sensitive skin, after trying it countless times, it always makes me turn my head into the arms of a new lotion because of the lack of presence. . Therefore, obviously there is only one tick mark left, and I just haven’t turned over its green head card for half a year< /span>.

Take this opportunity to eliminate stockpiling, it is time to use it up and say goodbye👋< /p>


💙 DMC Xinlan Jelly


This can of frozen film is very popular on the Internet. People who like it are full of praise, and people who don't love it are also merciless.. So is this jelly really effective in removing blackheads? In an objective attitude, one must use up a can to say whether it is good or not..

At present, I have used half of the can. According to my use effect, it is effective to use with a small blackhead spatula, but if used alone, the effect is not satisfactory< span class="s2">.

This jelly needs to be applied for more than half an hour. From the principle of excessive hydration, it is just to open the pores, so a part of the acne is only bubbled out . Since it has been soaked, it means that it can be removed with cotton swabs, small shovels, and sterilized acne needles .

To be honest, this jar of jelly is out of stock, and I probably won't buy it again, because one of the ingredients in it is methylisothiazolinone (I am a preservative). Although this ingredient is also common in cosmetics, the maximum allowable concentration is generally 0.01%. The official usage of the gel pack says to apply45minutes to < /span>1hour, it is inevitable to feel a little uncomfortable if it is applied to the face for a long time .This is why I decided not to repurchase.



The above is set upflagHoarding babies who hope to be eliminated as soon as possible .


Thank you very much for coming, I hope we can get along well in this last time, 啾Mi~❤️< /p>

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大家好我是饼饼( ´` )

2018很快就过去大半年啦,相信家里免不了积下不少贪新鲜买的新品和闲置一边没用完的存货. 秉承勤俭持家不浪费良好美德的中年少女饼,需要立个flag🚩,两周内解决一部分护肤品存货啦.


💙 Clinique 透明黄油啫喱

就如倩碧家的水磁场面霜在混油皮女生心中的地位一样,黄油面霜就是很多混干皮朋友的平价心水. 吃货好奇宝宝如我,对黄油二字总是无限遐想. 是多么滑腻滋润的面霜质地,才能用上羊脂般细滑的黄油来形容呢? 

碍于油皮容易堵毛孔长痘痘的顾虑,无论多想一亲芳泽,也只能对黄油面霜抱着远观的思想. 然而今年,Clinique仿佛听到我内心的呼声,出了适合混油、油皮可用的无油版透明黄油. 于是我就毫不犹豫买了travel size,开心地准备试用了.

💡想给倩碧爆灯,区区5刀的travel size,完全是为 什么都想试一试的花心女孩准备的最佳产品. 

看这个size大概能用两周,足够试出新品适不适合自己. 哪怕不合适,小容量也很容易消灭. 💯


💙 Takami 毛孔调理液



颜值、卫生设计都必须给满分. 使用至今也真的看到毛孔疏通痘痘减少的效果. 

但为什么有效果的它会沦为囤货般的存在呢,就是因为我这个花心的饼渣,默默入手了功效相类似的suqqu 黑头清洁液⁄(⁄ ⁄ ⁄ω⁄ ⁄ ⁄)⁄

所谓妻不如妾,旧不如新. 一心一意在跟suqqu磨合的我,一不留心就把takami放在一旁尘封了.


💙 SKII 神仙水



想当初看到Costco 330ml大瓶神仙水才卖$189,开心得像偷油的小老鼠的我,一口气买了两瓶❗️并且好死不死碰上换季皮肤过敏,每每用神仙水都满脸的泛红. 自此看到它就心烦,想着这两大罐该用到什么时候呢.


看这个势头,不出一周,我就正式可以空瓶了. 并终于可以开始试用 —— 新的另一瓶神仙水了(吐血.


💙 IPSA 自律循环美白I



前年脸崩大过敏期,IPSA的自律循环各系列最适合混油皮的IIII 号乳几乎都被我用遍了. 实话说美白、保湿、和敏感系列真的用起来没有太大差别. 特别是I号乳这种水状的设计,常常会让我产生一种到底涂了没的初期老人痴呆自我怀疑.  

由于这款乳液对敏感皮无限爱护的超温和功效,在尝试过无数次后,总会因为存在感太少而让我转头投入新的乳液的怀抱. 于是,明明只剩下一个刻度线的用量,我也硬是小半年没翻过它绿头牌了.



💙 DMC 欣兰冻膜


这罐冻膜网上风好大,喜欢的人对它是赞不绝口,不爱的人也是批评得毫不留情. 所以这个冻膜是否真的对去黑头粉刺有效果呢?本着一个客观的态度,也必须是用完一罐才敢说它到底好不好.


这款冻膜需要敷半小时以上,从过度水合的原理看来,也不过是把毛孔泡开了,所以有一部分粉刺被泡出来而已. 既然被泡出来冒了头,也就是说用棉签、小铲子、消毒过的粉刺针都能去除.

实话说这罐冻膜囤货用完了,我应该不会再买,因为里面有一个成分是甲基异噻唑啉酮(我是防腐剂). 这个成分呢虽然在化妆品中也常见,但一般最大允许浓度为0.01%. 冻膜的官方使用说敷45分钟到1小时,过长时间敷在脸上难免觉得稍欠安心. 这就是我决定不回购的原因.




