Favorite Japanese sunscreen, Kose's water-sensing sunscreen, SPF35, the SPF is not as high as that of Ansun, but I feel that daily sunscreen is enough! It is characterized by cheap and large bowls, refreshing and not greasy. As a combination oily skin, I really hate greasy sunscreens, so cheap sunscreens like Biore and Kose. Usually, I choose to use An Nasun to wipe my face, and Kose's to wipe my body. If I use An Nasun for all, it feels a little extravagant.
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最爱的日系防晒,高丝的水感防晒霜,SPF35,防晒指数没有安耐晒来的高,但感觉日常防晒也够啦! 特点是便宜大碗,清爽不油腻,作为混油皮,真的很反感油腻的防晒霜,所以平价的防晒霜挺喜欢的碧柔和高丝之类的。 平时会选择用安耐晒擦脸,高丝的来擦身体,全部都用安耐晒的话,感觉有点点小奢侈。