【Sesame paste】 One of the things I regret the most when I go back to school this time is that I forgot to bring a few packets of sesame paste, so as soon as I got off the plane, I couldn’t wait to start searching ԅ(≖‿≖ԅ) on Yami and found a super interesting thing—— —— Although Southern Black Sesame Paste has high ratings, there are very few reviews; Mayushan Sesame Paste has dozens of reviews, but! A lot of comments were like "Because the southern sesame paste was out of stock, I came here to buy it, and I was disappointed blahblah..." I couldn't help laughing and laughing hhhhhh, so I ended up buying the southern black sesame paste that I grew up with (˶ ‾᷄ ⁻̫ ‾᷅˵) Here's a little way I'm brewing: Do not pour cold water first and then put the sesame paste, because it will stir! Do not! open! will clump. Do not heat the water after pouring the sesame paste, for the same reason as above The best way is to add a proper amount of hot water to the bowl first, and then pour the sesame paste while stirring, which can control the consistency and stir evenly. The southern sesame paste is not very sweet, so I added some honey myself (wait for the sesame paste to cool down a bit before adding it), the taste will be even better (please ignore the sugar-free man Then in order to maintain the daily nut intake, I also added some chopped walnuts in it, it doesn't look very beautiful, but it is really delicious! ! Another important snack is the sesame cake! For a sesame lover like me, it's an instant killer. The taste is second only to sesame flakes (Yami quickly introduced this!) The crispy and soft two bites are gone. Fortunately, I stocked up three packsʕ •ᴥ• ʔ as witty as me (Is this kind of breakfast combination particularly nutritious? ԅ(≖‿≖ԅ)
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【芝麻糊】 这次回学校最后悔的一件事就是忘记带几包芝麻糊了,于是刚下飞机我就迫不及待的在亚米上开始搜索ԅ(≖‿≖ԅ) 然后发现了一件超有趣的事———— 南方黑芝麻糊虽然评分高底下的评论却特少;马玉山芝麻糊有几十条评论,但是!好多条评论的内容都是“因为南方芝麻糊没货了,所以才来这买,结果很失望blahblah…” 看得我哭笑不得hhhhhh 所以最后我还是买了从小吃到大的南方黑芝麻糊(˶‾᷄ ⁻̫ ‾᷅˵) 下面来说说在我冲泡的小方法: 不要先倒冷水再放芝麻糊,因为搅!不!开!会结块。 也不要倒完芝麻糊后再加热水,理由同上 最好的方法还是先在碗里加适量热水,然后边倒芝麻糊边搅拌,这样既能控制稠度搅拌得又均匀。 南方芝麻糊并没有非常甜,所以我自己加了一些蜂蜜(等芝麻糊稍冷却后再加),口感会更赞(戒糖大佬请忽略 然后为了保持每天的坚果摄入,我还在里面加了些碎核桃,看着不是十分美观,但真的很好吃哇!! 另外一个重点介绍的零食就是芝麻糕!对我这种芝麻控来说简直是秒杀一切的存在啊,味道仅次于芝麻片糖(亚米快引进这个!)酥酥软软的两口就没了,幸好我囤了三包ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ 机智如我 (这样的早餐搭配是不是特别有营养呢ԅ(≖‿≖ԅ)