I finally bought the Flammulina velutipes [I shed tears of excitement. This brand is really spicy and very fragrant, not like that kind of spicy for spicy's sake. I have always believed that spicy flavors are only delicious when they complement other flavors. No matter how good the peppers are, no matter how good the peppers are, orz The mushrooms are also whole, not shredded. The enoki mushrooms are soft, and the porcini mushrooms are super cute. I didn't buy his bamboo shoots this time, but it seems to have been posted before. The seasoning is also super good. I think it has a little more numbness. Compared with mushrooms, it is more refreshing, but some are a bit old, but I have no problem at all. The only downside may be that the enoki mushroom is a little salty, but it's good to make pickles when eating (. Looking at the packaging of other people's enoki mushrooms before, it seems that the packaging has been changed? But it's still delicious anyway. I don't know if anyone has bought the version before, is there any difference in taste?
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终于买到金针菇了【流下激动的泪水。 这个牌子真的辣得非常香,不像是那种为了辣而辣的感觉。我一直相信辣味只有和别的味道相辅相成才好吃来着,使劲撒辣椒无论多好的辣椒都没有用的orz 蘑菇也很整,不是碎末。金针菇是软的那种,牛肝菌肉都都的超级可爱。 他家笋我这回没买但以前晒过单好像。吃起来觉得调味也超级好,多了一点麻味我印象里,和蘑菇比起来清爽一点更,就是有的有点老,但我完全没问题的。 唯一的缺点可能是金针菇有点咸,不过吃饭时做咸菜也hin好呀(。 看以前别人的晒单金针菇的包装好像换了?但反正目前也很好吃嘛。吃过之前那版的不知道有没有人又买了,味道上会有区别吗?