#YumeMei instant food# One night, I was tempted by my roommate's smell of vegetables, so I immediately went to Yami and bought two boxes 🙈🙈🙈 This one is actually very spicy. I am a person who can eat spicy food. In the end, I only put half a packet of spicy sauce and I felt it was spicy, but it was really delicious! ! In addition to the seasoning packet, there is a packet of vermicelli and a packet of vegetables. The vegetables include lotus root, bamboo shoots, konjac, potato chips, fungus, day lily, etc. I also added some green vegetables and shrimp, luncheon meat and bean paste. Satisfied! 😋😋😋 The edible method can be brewed or microwaved. I like to cook it at home. Fried chicken is suitable for patients with advanced lazy cancer and novices in the kitchen~
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#与美即时冒菜# 某天大晚上被室友的冒菜香味引诱的不能自已,于是立刻上亚米买了两箱🙈🙈🙈 这一款其实很辣,我本身是一个能吃辣的人,最后只放了半包辣酱都觉得辣,但是真的好吃!! 里面除了调料包之外,有一包粉丝跟一包蔬菜包,蔬菜有莲藕、竹笋、魔芋、土豆片、木耳、黄花菜etc. 我自己又加了点青菜跟虾,午餐肉和豆泡,一本满足!😋😋😋 食用方法可以冲泡可以微波,我在家喜欢煮一下。炒鸡适合懒癌晚期患者和厨房小白~