Garlic Teriyaki Pork Ribs - Difficulty 1 star 🌟 Blanch the ribs in boiling water and set aside for later use, mince garlic, chop green onions or chopped green onions, pour the oil into the frying pan and heat it up. When you feel the heat wave five centimeters away from the oil surface, pour the chopped green onions and garlic into the pot. Stir fry until fragrant. When the garlic turns light yellow, add spare ribs and vegetables you like, such as carrots and potatoes. Take a small bowl and add one spoon of sugar, one spoon of oyster sauce, one spoon of vinegar, two spoons of teriyaki sauce, and one spoon of soy sauce. Add appropriate salt to my personal taste. I didn't add it. I don't like the taste too salty. After mixing, pour it on the ribs and continue to stir fry for about ten minutes. Turn off the heat after smelling the aroma of the ribs or turning into caramel.
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蒜香照烧排骨——难度1颗星🌟 将排骨用沸水汆烫后搁置备用,大蒜切末,大葱切段或葱花,将油倒入平底锅烧热后手离油面五厘米处感觉到热浪时,将切好的葱蒜倒入锅内翻炒出香味,大蒜变淡黄色时加入排骨以及自己喜欢的蔬菜,如胡萝卜土豆等,取小碗加入一勺糖,一勺蚝油,一勺醋,两勺照烧酱,一勺酱油,根据个人口味加入适当盐,我没加,不喜欢太咸的口感,混匀后浇在排骨上继续翻炒大约十分钟闻到排骨香味或变成焦糖感后关火。