In autumn, not only food needs to be nourished, but the skin also needs to be nourished~ I bought a new batch of masks. For the first time, I used the fruit and vegetable mask of the Chunyu series, which is strongly Amway. It feels better than spring rain black and pink. A small strip shape, although the inside is a single layer, the mask paper is also very slippery, but it fits the skin and cheeks very well, and the material is very comfortable. Because it is a pure natural material of vegetables and fruits, it smells like 🥝, 🥦, a bit like a vegetable juice that clears the stomach, very light, makes people feel very relaxed, and has a very good calming and brightening effect. There is also a mask of rice and avocado. I feel that the avocado has an effect on keratin and closed mouth, and the face is bright after applying it.
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秋天不仅要食补,皮肤也需要滋补~入手了新的一批面膜。第一次用了春雨系列的果蔬面膜,强烈安利这个系列。 感觉比春雨黑色和粉色的都要好用。一片小小长条形状的,虽然里面是单层,面膜纸也很滑,但非常贴合肌肤和脸颊,材质也非常舒服。因为是蔬果纯天然的材料,闻起来有🥝,🥦的味道,有点像清肠胃的蔬果汁的感觉,非常淡,让人感觉非常放松,镇定提亮效果也非常好。 还有就是大米和牛油果的面膜,感觉牛油果的会对角质和闭口有效果,敷完脸也是亮亮的。