When I opened it, I forgot to take a photo. This is for my friends. . I think the egg yolks are the best. . Taro and purple sweet potato taste similar. . The durian flavor of durian is not particularly strong, but they are delicious. I bought two bags of each. . Will always repurchase. . It's just that the heat is too high and the pimples will pop up after eating The chestnuts are very delicious. First time buying this. . The one I bought before is out of stock. . individual package. . Every bag is good
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开封的时候忘记照了这是分给小伙伴的。。吃下来觉得蛋黄的最好吃。。芋头的和紫薯的味道差不多。。榴莲的榴莲味不是特别浓不过都蛮好吃的每个我都买了两大袋。。会一直回购。。就是热量太高吃完就涨痘痘 板栗非常好吃第一次买这个。。之前一直买的那个没货了。。独立包装。。每一袋都很不错