
💕Versatile check skirt get☑️

I have always liked to wear skirts Short skirts skirt one piece< span class="s1">... I bought a lot at home. Don't like the plaid skirt this time! It feels like you can wear it in spring, summer, autumn and winter! The material is also very comfortable very fit Very shapely😍 All styles can be matched . The following are some of my outfits for your reference😘


1. with sweater

I paired it with madewellmilk tea coloroversizeSweater and Ballywheat span>loafer. Very harmonious and comfortable fit suitable for autumn and winter.


2. with denim jacket

Pair withLevisDenim jacket and a bottomed white vest for a more casual street feel ! I'm wearing high-heeled sandals here But it's actually changed to socks /Black booties should look good too! It should also go well with small white shoes.


3. with floral shirt

This is perfect for work. Small white-collar workers Lady style+A little capable feeling. I wore a floral shirt by Ganni andSW strappy sandals.


In short, this plaid skirt is really recommended! IsCherrykokoof A Korean brand You can buy it and try it out. Of course this skirt There are many other brands too are my favorites to wear every day! It is recommended that you choose a more slim fit , otherwise it will be a bit bulky to wear.

I wish everyone a beautiful day~❤️

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一直很喜欢穿裙子 短裙 半身裙 连体裙... 家里买了一大堆。这次入的格纹裙简直不要更喜欢!感觉春夏秋冬都可以穿!料子也很舒服 很贴身 非常显身材😍 各种风格都能搭配。以下是我搭配的几身 给大家参考😘


1. 配毛衣

我搭配的是madewell的奶茶色oversize毛衣和Bally的小麦色loafer。非常和谐舒适的一身 适合秋冬穿。


2. 配牛仔外套

搭配Levis牛仔外套 和一个打底的白色背心 是更休闲街头的感觉!我这里搭配的是高跟凉鞋 但其实改成袜靴/黑色短靴 应该也会很好看!配小白鞋应该也不错。


3. 配碎花衬衣

这一身很适合上班穿。小白领 淑女风+一点干练的感觉。我搭配的是Ganni的碎花衬衣和SW的一字带凉鞋。


总之,这条格纹半身裙真的很推荐!是Cherrykoko 一个韩国品牌 大家可以买来试试看。当然 这种半身裙 其他品牌也有很多 都是我每天搭配的心头爱!建议大家一定要选比较修身的 不然穿上去会有点臃肿。
