These are the two orders I recently purchased from Yamibuy. Both are very satisfied. 📎 face towel The texture is very smooth and soft, and the water absorption effect is very good. You don't have to worry about the towel's bacteria and rubbing your face. 📎Sulwhasoo Air Cushion After thinking about it for a long time, I bought this one. It fits the skin very well, the makeup is very natural, and the concealer effect is quite good (I have a little acne marks and large pores on the nose). The oil control effect is also good, especially for my big oil field. 📎Lipolysis bath granules I really sweated profusely when I was soaking it. After I came out, I felt a lot refreshed. But don’t soak it when you’re hungry, and pay attention to hydrating in the middle, otherwise you’ll get dizzy hahahaha 📎爆汗汤 As soon as this was replenished, I immediately ordered a bunch of various flavors. Personally, I like the rose pink one, which is really fragrant! When I soaked it, it was almost like the last one, and I was sweating madly! I don't think it's possible to simply rely on it to lose weight, but it is a very good choice to remove moisture, sweat, detox, and relieve fatigue. 📎Dr. Jart Green Pill Mask Last time I bought this mask with a single purchase and a psychological test. It's very useful, very docile, very moisturizing, and has an excellent calming effect after applying it! I have sensitive skin and I use it with no problem!
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这是最近在亚米购入的两单 都十分满意 📎擦脸巾 质地十分光滑柔软 吸水效果非常好 再也不用担心毛巾细菌多还摩擦脸了(用纸抽有的会掉毛 且一张擦不干) 📎雪花秀气垫 斟酌了很久买了这一款 很贴合肌肤 妆容很自然 遮瑕效果也蛮不错的(我本身有一点痘印和鼻翼毛孔粗大)控油效果也不错 尤其对于我这个大油田来说 📎脂肪分解入浴颗粒 这个泡的时候真的 全程冒大汗 出来以后感觉整个人清爽了很多 但千万别饿着的时候泡 中间也注意补水 不然会晕菜的哈哈哈哈 📎爆汗汤 这个一补货就马上下单了一堆 各种味道 个人最喜欢玫瑰的粉色那款 真的香香的!泡的时候跟上一款差不多 狂出汗!我觉得不能单纯来靠它减肥 但是排排湿气 出出汗 排排毒 解解乏还是非常好的选择 📎Dr. Jart绿药丸面膜 上次抱着凑单以及尝试心理买的这个面膜 太好用了 非常服帖 很水润 敷完镇定效果极佳!我是过敏肌肤 用了完全没问题!