Drink recommendation

Today, I would like to recommend some babies that I just started

This black tea Ji's milk tea compared to Lanfang Garden The tea taste is very light and light In the afternoon or evening, I want to drink something to refresh myself without disturbing sleep💤 This milk tea is a good choice

This fragrant milk tea seems to be on the shelves soon never drink it before look The packaging is pretty good. try it out Place an order

The packaging is really similar to Lanfang Garden very textured Can't wait to open a bottle Delicious If you like children's shoes with more bitter taste of tea You can choose Lanfang Garden If you like a little sweeter and more milky flavor Then choose this milk and black tea

The two bottles of black mineral water are because they have never been drunk. Start with two bottles but after getting it Look at the dark one I haven't had the courage to open it😅

In the case of Anmuxi yogurt Personally, I still think the taste of yellow peach oatmeal is delicious The strong yellow peach flavor is mixed with the feeling of oatmeal I really like it

Kvass is not open yet haha

Okay That's all for today~ p>

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这个红茶姬的奶茶 相比于兰芳园 茶味是很淡很淡的了 下午或者傍晚想喝点东西提提神 又不想影响睡眠💤 这个奶茶是个不错的选择

这个香飘飘的牛乳茶 好像刚上架不久 以前没喝过 看着包装蛮好看的 抱着试试看的态度 下了一单

包装跟兰芳园真的很像 很有质感 迫不及待的打开一瓶 好喝 如果喜欢茶的苦味多一点的童鞋 可以选择兰芳园 喜欢稍甜一点奶味多一点的话 那就选择这个牛奶撞红茶吧

这两瓶黑乎乎的矿泉水 是因为没喝过才入手两瓶 但是拿到手以后 看看黑乎乎的 一直没勇气打开😅

安慕希酸奶的话 个人还是觉得黄桃燕麦味的好喝 浓浓的黄桃味还夹杂着颗颗燕麦的感觉 甚是喜欢

格瓦斯汽水还没打开 哈哈

好啦 今天就暂时说到这里~