Successfully making lotus root starch into a paste is more difficult than taking off the order! If you don't believe me, see how many people are off the list and still can't make lotus root starch 😏 Here are the steps to success 💁🏻‍♀️ 1. Pour a packet of lotus root starch into a bowl/cup, use a porcelain spoon to cool and dissolve (it may need to be stirred by hand until the graininess disappears, but one spoon is usually enough, don’t add too much) 2. Add the hot water that has just boiled and slowly add it while stirring until it becomes a paste 3. Then heat the water according to the demand. If you add less hot water, it will be a little sweet, but the specific amount is the upper limit. I haven't researched it yet. Anyway, this method can be successful! Cracked the mystery of the failure of soaking lotus root starch for more than 20 years 🤩
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成功让藕粉成糊简直比脱单还难! 不信看看多少人脱单了还不会泡藕粉😏 成功步骤在此💁🏻‍♀️ 1. 一包藕粉倒入碗/杯中,用一瓷勺凉白开化开(可能需要手动搅拌至颗粒状消失,但是一勺一般是够了 不要加多了) 2. 加刚烧开的热水 缓慢加入 一边搅拌 可以看到成糊了 3. 接着按需求加热水 热水加少了会有点甜 但是具体加多少是上限我还没研究出来😂 总之此法是能成功的!破解了二十多年来泡藕粉失败之谜🤩