#掀狗盆 #家有世白節 My family Chai Chai is called Nana. She looks like a man and is actually a cute girl [Meng Meng Da R] This year, she is 2 and a half years old~ Chai Chai's character is very stubborn and difficult to tame her. When she was 6 months old, she took her to puppy school, But so far, I have only simply sat down and pretended to die. I am also helpless, but it is just as happy as it is, I just hope that it can live a happy life happily😉
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yami_featured_image #掀狗盆 #家有柴犬 我家柴柴叫娜娜, 长的像汉子 其实是个萌妹子[萌萌哒R] 今年2岁半啦~ 柴柴的性格特别倔 很难驯服 它6个月的时候带它去上了puppy school, 但是至今为止还是只会简单的坐 趴 装死. 我也是无奈了, 不过它开心就好 只希望它能好好的开心的过完幸福的一生😉