It’s okay to open the box and post the order.. Because I’m lazy ( ̄∇ ̄) I have to go to Yami to place an order every three days. Fafa, or even when I think of delicious food. For example, this (forgive me for being too lazy to find a good angle and too lazy to make a picture, it can be said that the fat intestine is lazy = =)... Although it is still a little troublesome for lazy people, it needs to be boiled in boiling water for three or four minutes, Then add some extra ingredients to mix. Pay attention here, if you want to add ingredients, you must prepare it first. After mixing this noodles, it is easy to lump together. It must be eaten as soon as possible. I don’t know if I have boiled it, but it is quite delicious. It is one of the best instant noodles I have ever eaten. The sesame sauce is very fragrant. When cooking, I can add some chopped green onion or something. I added a little sesame oil in addition to the seasoning package he gave ( Sesame oil is not spicy sesame oil), it is smoother and more fragrant when mixed. I boiled a few eggs and threw in the shelled egg yolks without buying meatballs, greens, or something. Maybe I was too hungry (´・_・`) Of course, personal tastes are different. I think it is delicious. Others think the same. At least for me, I think people who like light diets should be able to accept this noodles, provided that you can accept the taste of sesame sauce.
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开箱晒单啥的就算了..因为我比较懒( ̄∇ ̄)三天两头就要跑亚米上下单实在是晒不过来..所以干脆就碰到特别难吃拔草的有空就发发,或者好吃的想起来也发发。 比如说这个(原谅我懒得找好看的角度懒得p图,可以说是肥肠懒了= =)...虽然对于懒人来说还是稍微麻烦了点儿,需要扔沸水里煮个三四分钟,然后自己额外加点料拌啊啥的。这里注意一下,要加料的话一定要先准备好,这个面拌了之后很容易坨在一起,要尽快吃掉,不知道是不是我煮烂了,不过还蛮好吃的。 算是至今吃到过最好吃的方便拌面之一了,麻酱非常的香口,煮的时候可以自己下些葱花啥的,拌嘛我除了他给的料包之外还加了一点儿麻油(芝麻油不是辣的麻油),拌起来更顺一些也更加香口。没买丸子青菜啥的就煮了几个蛋去壳蛋黄扔进去,居然莫名搭,可能我太饿了(´・_・`) 当然个人口味不一样,我觉得挺好吃的别人不一样也这么觉得,至少对我来说我觉得喜爱清淡饮食的人应该蛮能接受这个拌面的,前提是你能接受麻酱的味道。