[Pixian Douban] Although it is very ordinary, it can do great things! Pixian Douban Sauce Boiled in Water_Lamb and Fish Fillets Ready to work: Chopped onion, ginger and garlic! Dig 2 tablespoons of Pixian Douban (according to your own taste) and chop them on the chopping board (otherwise there will be pepper peels) Lamb slices, fish slices Do not cut the tendons (it will be broken) Add salt, black pepper, starch, and a little oyster sauce, then gently knead and mix well, then put the ginger slices in and marinate together! start to do: Put oil, fry Pixian bean paste, add onion, ginger and garlic and stir fry! If you like chili, you can continue to put dry chili! Heat the water, use medium or medium-low heat at this time🔥, and slowly put the mutton slices in (low fire is warm and cooked) Then put the fish fillets (well cooked) Put a bedding dish in a large bowl, such as: bean sprouts or cabbage! Grab it with olive oil, salt, black pepper! After the fish and sheep are OK, pour it into a bowl! Put some chili noodles on it, you can burn some oil and pour it on the oil and spice it up! Lazy version, you can ignore this step! Just add some other embellishments yourself! (Forgot to take the steps, come back next time)
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【郫县豆瓣】虽然很普通,却能干大事! 郫县豆瓣酱之水煮两样_羊和鱼片 准备工作: 葱姜蒜切好! 郫县豆瓣挖2勺 (根据自己口味)放在案板上剁碎 (不然有辣椒皮) 羊肉切片,鱼肉划片 不要切断筋(会碎) 分别里面加盐,黑胡椒,淀粉,可以放一点蚝油,然后轻轻的捏着拌匀,再将姜片放进去一起腌着! 开始做: 放油,炒郫县豆瓣酱,加入葱姜蒜翻炒! 喜欢辣椒的可以继续放干辣椒! 加热水,这个时候要中火或者中小火🔥,慢慢的把羊肉片放进去 (小火是温熟) 然后再放鱼片 (好熟) 在大碗里放入铺垫的菜比如说:豆芽或者白菜!用橄榄油,盐,黑胡椒抓一下! 鱼羊OK了后,倒入碗里! 上面放些辣椒面,可以烧点油浇上去油泼辣子一下! 懒人版话,可以忽略这一步!自己放点其他点缀就好啦! (忘记拍步骤了,下次再来)