✨Uncle Tongdao Unboxing 4✨ Received packages again and again, all of them are Yami’s packages🤣 This time I really stunned my roommates Received the soymilk maker, barley lotion and Dr. Shirono pore-reducing water that I grabbed for $1 earlier! Recommended items: 🌟 Hong Kong Lee Kum Kee XO Sauce: I bought this because I saw a lot of celebrity postings and it was planted. Can't wait to try it after receiving it. Inside are scallops, small shrimp and a small amount of ham. My bottle of 220g is also a very small bottle. Most commonly, it can be used in noodles, fried rice and stir-fried vegetables. Add a little and it's delicious. 🤤 The original flavor is not spicy, I feel like I can try the extra spicy version next time. 🌟 Kao New Steam Eye Mask, Yuzu Fragrance: Now there are only 12 in the new version, and 14 in the old version. I have used lavender and chamomile, and I like the scent. This steam eye mask can relieve fatigue. If your eyes are uncomfortable, take one. Especially in winter, it is very comfortable for your eyes to wear. 🌟 BESTORE Ezo Scallop Garlic Flavor: Scallop Snack. There are eight packets in a box, which is a small amount. But it was delicious! In addition to garlic, there are also spicy and original flavors. I opened the package wildly today, and finally collected all four cards!
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✨同道大叔开箱4✨ 又又又又收到包裹了,全部都是亚米的包裹🤣 这次真的把室友们给惊呆了 收到之前用$1抢到的豆浆机、薏仁化妆水和城野医生毛孔收敛水了! 推荐物品: 🌟 香港李锦记 XO酱:买了这个是因为看到很多达人的晒单就被种草了。收到后就迫不及待要试试了。里面都是瑶柱丝、小虾米和少量的火腿。我这瓶220g的也是很小一瓶。最常见的是可以用来拌面、炒饭和炒菜。加一点就很香了。🤤原味的是不辣的,感觉下次可以试试特辣版的。 🌟 花王 新版蒸汽眼罩 柚子香型:现在新版的只有12个,以前旧版的有14个。用过薰衣草和洋甘菊的,香味我都很喜欢。这个蒸汽眼罩可以去疲劳,眼睛不舒服就带一个~特别是冬天的时候带上它眼睛非常舒服。 🌟 良品铺子 虾夷扇贝 蒜香味:扇贝零食。一盒里有八小包,量很少。但是很好吃!除了蒜香还有香辣味和原味。 今天狂开包裹,终于收集齐四张卡了!