Looking forward to the stars and looking forward to the moon🌙...I received a few boxes in a row before and they were still old boxes📦, this time I finally received a box from my fellow uncle📦... Then I can't wait to post the goods... Take a look at the small refrigerator in my house, you will know what I like the most... In addition to the refrigerator, there are also a lot of snacks, several big boxes are full, too lazy to take them out and take pictures one by one... 😂 😂 The most recommended ones here are An Muxi yogurt, Kou Shui Wa's yam flakes, and Lan Fang Yuan's stockings milk tea... Anmuxi yogurt is the best of all the yogurts I've ever had in the United States. Among them, my favorite is the yellow peach oat flavor, which contains oatmeal and pulp. It tastes very good, because oatmeal is added to serve as a Nutritious breakfast is also great👍..... Koshuiwa's yam flakes are better than any potato chips. The only drawback is that the calories are too high. Like me, I can't help but eat it every time I open the package. I don't want to gain weight. difficult... The next recommendation is Lanfangyuan's stockings milk tea. This milk tea has a very strong taste, and the match between milk and tea is just right, but when you drink it for the first time, the concentration of the tea may be relatively high, so that the whole night I can't sleep, I'm a person who can fall asleep with espresso... After that, I always choose to drink it in the morning and eat it with breakfast. It can really refresh your mind and make you work mentally. God.....😂😂
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盼星星盼月亮🌙……之前一连收到几箱都还是旧箱子📦,这次终于收到了同道大叔的箱子📦啦……然后迫不及待地来晒货啦…… 看看我家的小冰箱,你就知道我最喜欢的是什么啦……除了冰箱这些,零食也是一大堆,几个大箱子都塞满了,懒得拿出来逐一拿出来拍照📷了……😂😂 这里面最值得推荐的莫过于安慕希酸奶,口水娃的山药薄片,和兰芳园的丝袜奶茶啦…… 安慕希酸奶是我在美国这边喝过所有酸奶里最好喝的,其中最爱的是黄桃燕麦味,内含燕麦和果肉,吃起来口感非常好,因为加了燕麦,用来当营养早餐也是棒棒哒👍...... 口水娃的山药薄片比啥薯片都好吃,唯独美中不足的是卡路里太高了,像我这种忍不住嘴巴的,每次开包都忍不住把它吃完,想不胖都难啦…… 接下来推荐的是兰芳园的丝袜奶茶啦,这款奶茶的味道非常浓郁,奶和茶的搭配度刚好,不过第一次喝的时候,可能茶的浓度比较高,以至于一整晚都睡不着,我可是个和特浓咖啡都可以睡着的人啊……之后我都是选择在早上的时候喝,跟早餐一起吃,真的可以起到提神的功效,让你精神工作一整天.....😂😂