###Pisces 🐟 Meixi💖 to post the list ### I bought three boxes of Yami, but because I've been too busy lately, I've piled them together to shoot some of them, and I've already eaten them. The tags are all pushed hard by this baby, super delicious, and some stuff that I haven't had time to try, I will push it later. #This push seems to be made in Japan Since there is a holiday on Thanksgiving, I will take Yami to travel ❤️# And the cardboard box is just used to play with the cats of AirBnB 😁
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###双鱼座🐟的美熙💖来晒单### 买了三大箱亚米 但由于最近太忙就都🦐堆在一起拍啦 有些已经拿去吃掉了呢 Tag到的都是本宝宝使劲推的哟 超好吃 还有一些还没来得及试吃的东东以后再推哟 #这次推的貌似都是日本产的呢 由于Thanksgiving有假期 就#带着亚米去旅行啦❤️# 而且纸箱正好用来给AirBnB家的猫猫玩😁