North Sea Cod Shredded | A must-have snack for watching dramas without getting dirty hands and not greasy🐟

▪️As a foodie girl Today I’m here to share with you a snack I’ve fallen in love with recently-TAIWANNorth Sea cod shredded!This shredded cod was also planted by others < span class="s3">Because I am a fragrant mouth that can't stop so I really want to try this Chewable Snacks~

▪️This North Sea cod shredded topping has Cod Sauce Chili powder Sugar Salt Flour< span class="s2">The ingredients are quite simple After opening the package, you will smell a very nice fragrance Seafood flavor~I personally like it May be fishy for those who don't like it??The biggest advantage of this cod shredded It's dry and not greasy at all not dirty on hands So it's really good to eat while watching dramas or watchingvlog Eat while watching mouth No idle time anywhere~

▪️Shredded cod tastes dry Very chewy and fragrant~just the taste of normal salty and sweet cod strips Slightly spicy Very good!Scented Delicious and not greasy And not fat~!But there is a disadvantage that eating too much is really dry The cheeks will be keep drinking mineral water...But overall good value for money There is no excessive flavor recommended! 👍

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北海鳕鱼丝 | 不脏手不油腻的追剧必备小零食🐟

▪️作为一个吃货女孩子 今天来给大家分享一款最近爱上的一款小零食-TAIWAN北海鳕鱼丝!这款鳕鱼丝也是我被别人种草的 因为我是一个嘴巴停不下来的香香嘴 所以就很想尝试这种可以咀嚼的小零食~

▪️这款北海鳕鱼丝配料有 鳕鱼 酱油 辣椒粉 面粉配料什么的都还挺简单的 打开包装之后会闻到一股很香的海鲜味~我个人挺喜欢的 可能对于不喜欢的人来说会是腥味??这个鳕鱼丝最大的优点就是干干的完全不油腻 也不脏手 所以追剧或者看vlog的时候吃真的再好不过 边看边吃 嘴巴随时随地都不闲着~

▪️鳕鱼丝吃起来干干的 很有嚼劲很香~就是正常的咸甜的鳕鱼条的味道 还微微有一丝丝辣味 很不错的!香气诱人 好吃不腻 而且还不长胖~!但是呢有一个缺点就是吃多了真的好干 腮帮子会很痛...所以要不停的和矿泉水...但是总的来说性价比很高 也没有过重的香精味 很推荐!👍