Apart from being a little expensive, there is nothing wrong with it 😄 What I like most is that you can directly adjust the inclination of the seat without having to pick up the baby and remove the seat to adjust it! This face value is also very suitable for my appetite, and it is really super stable, I shook it desperately, and it was only a little! It is said to be an all-steel frame, and the safety is very guaranteed!
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除了有点小贵,没别的毛病😄 最喜欢的就是你可以直接调整座椅的倾斜度而不用把宝宝抱起来取下座椅去调整! 这颜值也是很符合我的胃口的,而且真的超级稳的,我死命的摇,也就晃了一下而已!说是全钢架,安全非常有保障!