"炸鸡厨房"#Coconut Milk Mango Sticky Rice# Come to Amway for a simple and super delicious dessert recipe! Ingredients: 400ml can of reduced-fat coconut milk (full fat is easy to get greasy, I bought it at trader joe), 20g sugar, a pinch of salt, 250g glutinous rice (Thai long glutinous rice is the best, but I bought it from Yami Korean haitai sticky rice, also delicious), sweet mango! 1. Soak the glutinous rice for more than three hours in advance, preferably overnight. 2. Add sugar and salt to coconut milk, add in a small pot and boil over low heat until sugar and salt are melted, take out about 120g and pour it on top. The rest is used to cook glutinous rice. 3. The normal cooking process is enough. After cooking, use a rice spoon to loosen it. When eating, take it out and pour in the coconut milk and sliced mango. It’s OK! *Mangoes can be shaped but the mangoes I bought were too hard to do anything 😂😂😂 I had to give up on myself *The salt must be added, not too much but it tastes great! *This is a large amount of cooking, but I usually use the coconut milk directly after opening it, so the proportion is based on the amount of a can of coconut milk, and friends can also reduce the amount by half
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『炸鸡厨房』#椰浆芒果糯米饭#来安利一个简单易做而且超级好吃的甜品食谱! 食材:减脂椰浆一罐400ml(全脂容易腻,我是在trader joe买的),糖20g,盐一撮,糯米250g(有泰国长糯米最好,不过我用的是亚米买的韩国haitai糯米,也很好吃),甜的芒果! 1. 糯米提前泡三个小时以上,最好隔夜。 2. 椰浆加糖和盐,加入小锅小火熬到糖和盐融化 取出120g左右最后淋上去,剩下的用来煮糯米饭。 3.正常煮饭程序就可以啦,煮好之后用饭勺铲松,吃的时候捞出来倒入椰浆和切好的芒果就OK啦! *芒果可以造型但是我买的芒果太硬了没办法😂😂😂我只好自暴自弃了 *盐一定要加,不用太多但是很提味! *这个煮出来量很大,但是我一般椰浆开了就直接用掉所以比例都是按照一罐椰浆的量来的,小伙伴也可以用量减半