When you are lazy, it is especially recommended to cook a bag of thick soup and add some ingredients you like in it, and you can eat it in a few minutes. I have tried almost all kinds of Kangbao and 4D cards, and they all taste good. Most of the time, I beat an egg to make egg drop soup according to the instructions on the package. Today, I just found a box of tofu in the refrigerator and cut into small pieces and threw it in. If you are making egg drop soup, a large bowl of less than 200 calories will be very full, suitable for girls who control calorie intake (•ૢ⚈͒⌄⚈͒•ૢ)
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犯懒的时候特别推荐煮一包浓汤再加点自己喜欢的材料进去,几分钟就可以吃了。康宝和万字牌的几种差不多都试过了,味道都不错。 我大部分时候是按照包装的说明打个鸡蛋做蛋花汤的,今天刚好发现冰箱里有一盒豆腐就切了小块丢进来了。如果是做蛋花汤,一大碗只要不到200卡饱腹感就很强了,适合控制热量摄入的妹子哦(•ૢ⚈͒⌄⚈͒•ૢ)