🌞Soft and sweet D-PLUS yeast bread to wake up the energy of the whole body in the morning&🇨🇭Swiss miss Swiss miss hot chocolate + fruit marshmallows🍡, relieve the fatigue of the body, but also refresh the mind☀️ 🥧Okinawa brown sugar is my favorite of the three sourdough breads I purchased. It is baked with whole wheat and a good companion for healthy and nutritious breakfast 😽 🍫One of the Swiss Miss Swiss Chocolate brews for Christmas, milk chocolate cocoa powder. The mellow and rich cocoa aroma is diffused, adding colorful fruit flavored marshmallows 🍡Sweet breakfast 🍥 ♨️Add hot water directly to brew, hot chocolate 💦When drinking cold drinks, brew with warm water and add ice cubes to cool off the heat in midsummer
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🌞唤醒清晨全身能量的柔软香甜D-PLUS酵母面包&🇨🇭Swiss miss瑞士小姐热巧+水果棉花糖🍡,舒缓身体的疲劳,还能提神醒脑☀️ 🥧冲绳黑糖是我购入的三款酵母面包里最喜欢的一款,全麦烘培,健康营养早餐好伴侣😽 🍫Swiss Miss瑞士小姐巧克力冲饮圣诞款之一,牛奶巧克力可可粉。香醇浓郁可可香气弥漫,加入彩色水果口味棉花糖🍡甜美的早餐🍥 ♨️热饮直接加入热水沖泡,热巧克力 💦冷饮时用温水冲泡后加入冰块,盛夏消暑饮品