Everyone should be starting school one after another recently, and left-behind children said that they also want to eat when school starts (。ì _ í。) Recently three boxes have been unpacked, and there are still too many things to take out one by one for photography, so... Instant noodles and snacks are definitely unhealthy. When you eat them, you should pay attention to the amount you eat. Sometimes there is no time to cook instant noodles. It is really convenient to boil water to eat. There are too many things to choose from. 💫One of the top ten delicious instant noodles in Singapore, Yum Chef’s curry ramen, people who like Southeast Asian flavors should like it very much. It takes a little time to cook, but I personally think it is very worthwhile in terms of taste. Coconut curry flavor It's a little spicy, you can add shrimp, eggs, green onions or something. The calorie value of a bag is 720, which is very high like snail powder. Be careful not to be greedy. 💫 The next one will continue to push this flower cake. Maybe I don’t like sweets and I usually eat less. This flower cake is inexplicably delicious. I have already repurchased a lot of bar bags. One bag of eight small bags, two small bags of calories are 250. If you have a big bag, it will be 1,000 calories. It is okay to eat occasionally to relieve cravings, such as a little hypoglycemia during exams, or if you have to catch up with more classes. Eat a little bit, remember not to eat too much of anything artificially added. 💫 Those of you who have read the previous orders must know that I love to drink coconut milk. Before, because each order was limited to 6 pieces, I often made up a lot of orders in order to collect coconut milk. Now I can buy two rows at a time. There is a buy-and-gift event on the show, I bought two rows and got two rows, so Yami packed me a box of coconut milk 😆😆😆 💫The last thing I want to push is Qin Zong's sesame paste cold skin. I buy ten packs of this stuff at a time. I read some comments that it is hard like plastic. In fact, you haven't soaked enough time or don't use boiling water. it is also fine. It can be said that the instant version of Liangpi is well made. Usually, I don’t have time to add boiling water and throw it aside to soak it. After soaking, filter out the water and mix well to eat. Their sesame paste buns and Chencun's sesame paste buns are very fragrant and suitable for people who don't like spicy food.
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最近大家应该都陆续开学了吧,留守儿童表示开学也要吃吃吃(。ì _ í。) 最近三箱开箱,东西依旧太多无法一一拿出来摆拍,so... 泡面零食什么的肯定是不健康的,平时吃的时候要注意吃的量,泡面是有时候实在是没时间煮了,烧个开水就能吃确实非常方便。东西太多挑几样值得说的。 💫十大好吃泡面之一的新加坡百胜厨咖喱拉面,喜欢东南亚口味的人应该会特别喜欢,煮的时候会稍微废点时间,但个人觉得口味上来说是非常值得的,椰香咖喱味稍微带点儿辣,自己可以往里面加虾鸡蛋葱什么的。一袋的热量是720,跟螺蛳粉一样是热量非常高的,要注意不要贪嘴。 💫下一个继续推这个鲜花饼,可能是我不喜甜食平时吃的少,这个鲜花饼莫名对口味,已经回购了很多吧包了。一袋八小包,两小包热量250,要是噼里啪啦一大袋下肚可就一千大卡了哟~偶尔吃解解馋是可以的,比如考试的时候有点儿低血糖,或者课多赶课的话也可以稍微吃一点,切记但凡人工添加多的东西都不要多吃。 💫有看过之前晒单的肯定知道我贼爱喝椰汁,之前是因为每单限购6支所以为了凑椰汁经常乱七八糟凑很多单,现在好了一次可以买两排🤣🤣🤣而且正好碰上了有买赠活动,买了两排送了两排,于是亚米给我包了一箱椰汁😆😆😆 💫最后一个想推的是秦棕的麻酱凉皮,一次买十包就是这玩意,我看评论有人说很硬像塑料,其实是你没泡够时间或者没用开水,再不行你扔锅里煮也是可以的。可以说是方便版凉皮里面做的不错的,平时没时间加了开水扔一边泡,泡好了把水滤掉加料拌匀就能吃了。他们家这个麻酱包跟陈村的麻酱包都是非常香的,适合不爱吃辣的人。