I just saw Gege's Sichuan noodles, and then I remembered that I also have a box of udon noodles that I repurchase every time I place an order. This time I bought 12 packs😍 Very strong and round noodles, when you get home hungry, you can solve lunch in five minutes, and it's great to cook soup or fried noodles 👏 Spinach can promote growth and development, and the carotene contained in the human body is converted into vitamin A, which can maintain normal vision and the health of epithelial cells 👏 Stir-fried udon noodles with spinach and beef, add a spoonful of Laoganma spicy sauce, a bottle of Sprite
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刚看到格格的四川小面,才想起来我这里也有一箱每次下单都回购的乌冬面,这次入了12包😍 非常劲道圆圆滚滚的面条,在饥肠辘辘到家,五分钟就可以解决午餐,拿来煮汤或者炒面都太赞啦👏 菠菜能促进生长发育,所含的胡萝卜素在人体内转变成维生素A,能维护正常视力和上皮细胞的健康👏 菠菜牛肉炒乌冬面,加上一勺老干妈辣酱,一瓶雪碧,酒足饭饱