Pan-Fried Salmon➕ Basil Teriyaki Sauce Salmon is eaten every week, I usually buy a box at trader joe for about ten dollars. Dry with kitchen paper while frying, touch both sides with salt and black pepper. I learned how to fry the salmon skin very crisply from the book The Food Lab. I highly recommend this book to everyone, it's very cool! Although the taste of the recipe may not be the most amazing, I can learn a lot of theoretical knowledge and dry goods! (and tips) After frying the salmon, the remaining oil is used to heat the sauce of the izakaya yakitori (from the book of Japanese Patisserie, it is usually used for marinating chicken, I just heated it to melt the sugar and thickened it a little) ) Pour down the small tomatoes and heat them together until they pop out of the pot ➕ The basil leaves are quite good! (Inspired by Three Cup Chicken and Vietnamese Warm Beef Salad hahaha)
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yami_featured_image 香煎三文鱼➕罗勒照烧酱 三文鱼每周都会吃,我一般都在trader joe买 一盒差不多十刀左右。 煎的时候用厨房纸擦干,两面摸盐和黑胡椒。三文鱼想把皮煎的很脆的方法我是在The food Lab那本书上学的,这本书我还挺推荐大家买的,非常酷!虽然可能菜谱的味道不是最惊艳的,但能学到很多理论知识和干货!(和小技巧) 三文鱼煎完 剩下的油热居酒屋yakitori的酱汁(Japanese Patisserie那本书上看来的,一般是腌制鸡肉用的,我就直接加热融化了糖然后稍微熬稠了一点) 小番茄倒下去一起加热到爆粒 出锅前➕罗勒叶 还蛮搭的!(灵感来源于三杯鸡和越南暖牛肉沙拉哈哈哈)