Heard of many times the Northeast Baked Cold Noodles Finally saw that there was stock on Yami, I quickly bought a pack I had high expectations before eating, but I was also afraid that I would be disappointed if my expectations were too high. The result is complete! no! Super invincible delicious! First of all, according to the comments, if you are afraid of hard, boil it with a little water to soften it Then pour some oil around Beat an egg after that Then I used the brush they gave me to brush some garlic sauce and ground cumin Then put the hotdog on the side, fry it, wrap it in cold noodles, and enjoy! Tender on the outside and tender on the inside! A pack of about 45 pieces, send a brush and a pack of garlic chili sauce and a pack of cumin powder! It can be said that it is very cost-effective!
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听过很多次的东北烤冷面 终于看到亚米上有货 赶紧买了一包 吃之前期望很大很大 但是也很怕期望越高会失望 结果 完全! 没有! 超级无敌好吃! 首先按照评论说的 怕硬的话先用一点水 煮软一点 然后再往周边淋一些油 差不多后打一颗鸡蛋上去 然后用他们送的刷子 刷点蒜蓉辣酱和孜然粉 再把hotdog放在旁边煎一下 最后包在冷面里就可以开吃啦! 外焦里嫩! 一包大概4 5片的样子 送刷子和一包蒜蓉辣酱 一包孜然粉! 可以说是很划算了!