I have always loved milk tea. I used to buy milk tea every day when I could buy it. Recently, I seldom drink milk tea bought from outside. First, it is because it is inconvenient to buy. Second, it is because outside The milk tea made generally contains more creamer and sugar. Drinking too much will make it easy to gain weight. Third, after the concept of fitness, you will control your diet. I used to like Xiang Piao Piao. I also drink a lot less. Recently, I prefer to make milk tea by hand. Occasionally drink it once or twice a week. The ingredients I use are super invincible and simple. They are all in picture 2. After the black tea is boiled, add milk and black sugar according to your own taste. If you like the taste of milk or tea, you can adjust it yourself. Authentic. But it is better than the health of the materials. The operation is also very convenient. 1️⃣ black tea 2️⃣ 2% milk 3️⃣ black sugar ❤️❤️ I bought a new cup from RA's old country. I really like this style. A very practical cup . It's good for drinking water, coffee and beverages. highly recommended!
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一直都很超爱喝奶茶..以前有条件购买的时候真的就是天天奶茶不离手. 近来就真的很少喝外面买的奶茶了.一来是因为够买不方便.二来就是因为外面做的奶茶普遍都放比较多的奶精和糖.喝太多就是很容易肥的节奏.三来.就是又健身的概念之后.就会在饮食方面比较控制.之前还蛮喜欢的香飘飘我也少喝了很多.我最近比较喜欢自己手煮奶茶.一周偶尔喝个一两次。 我用的配料超级无敌简单.都在图二.就是把红茶煮好后.根据自己的口味加奶加black sugar.喜欢奶味或者茶味重的.可以自行调节.虽然口感比不上店里的正宗.不过胜在用料健康放心.操作也很方便. 1️⃣红茶 2️⃣百分之二牛奶 3️⃣black sugar ❤️❤️新买了一个RA家old country的杯子.好喜欢这个款式.大小很实用的一款杯子。喝水泡咖啡喝饮料都好用。强烈推荐!