❤️ Received Yami's exclusive gift card! Both the envelope packaging and the gift card are beautiful and beautiful. When it was first launched, the hand was slow and hesitant, but I didn't get it, and then I returned to the original price of the gift card. Fortunately, discounts have started recently. You can buy a beautiful gift card worth $100 for $95, and you can also stack various sales discounts. The discount is very cost-effective! After receiving the gift card, just "exchange and recharge" in your personal account. There is no validity period after the gift card is recharged to your own account, and you can also use it in different times. The system automatically deducts the money and displays the remaining balance each time you shop. This set is the previous style, and now it seems to have a new design. The year of the golden pig is coming. I am going to buy another golden pig card to welcome the new year.
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yami_featured_image ❤️收到了亚米独家精美礼卡啦! 不论是信封包装还是礼卡都很精美、好看. 第一次推出时手慢犹豫后没抢到,后来就回复礼卡原价. 幸好最近又开始打折,$95刀就可以买下价值$100刀的精美礼卡,还可以叠加各种销售折扣,折上折非常划算! 礼卡收到后在个人账户里“兑换充值”就好啦,充值到自己账户后没有有效期,也可以分次使用,每次购物系统自动扣款并显示剩余余额. 这套是之前的款式,现在好像更新了新设计,金猪年即将来临,准备再入手一个金猪卡来迎新年,吃饱饱过大年啊😁