# 开年吃大餐 # # 亚米厨房 # Pleurotus eryngii is not easy to keep for a long time after buying it. I used it to fry beef today. The mushrooms absorbed the soup of the beef, which was super delicious. Required ingredients: beef, king oyster mushrooms, ginger, garlic Seasoning needed: soy sauce, starch, salt Cooking steps: 1. Soak the beef slices in water for a few hours to remove the blood, drain and add starch, salt and knead well; 2. Shred king oyster mushrooms, mince ginger and garlic; 3. Pass the beef in boiling water to remove the starch and fishy smell, and remove it immediately; 4. Heat oil in a pan, stir fry minced garlic, add beef and stir fry, add cooking wine after one minute; 5. Add king oyster mushrooms and stir fry, pour a little boiling water, and simmer for a while on low heat; 6. Add soy sauce and serve. Recommend Lee Kum Kee soy sauce, the fried beef is super flavorful.
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# 开年吃大餐 # # 亚米厨房 # 杏鲍菇买回来不易放久,今天拿它炒牛肉,菇吸收了牛肉的汤汁,超级好吃。 需要的食材:牛肉,杏鲍菇,姜,蒜 需要的调料:酱油,淀粉,盐 烹饪步骤: 1. 将牛肉切片泡在水中几小时去掉血水,沥干后加入淀粉,盐揉匀; 2. 将杏鲍菇切丝,姜,蒜切末; 3. 沸水内将牛肉过一下,去掉淀粉和腥味,立即捞出; 4. 烧油锅,下将,蒜末爆炒,加入牛肉翻炒,一分钟后加入料酒; 5. 加入杏鲍菇翻炒,倒少许开水,小火焖一会儿; 6. 加入酱油即可出锅。 推荐李锦记酱油,炒出的牛肉超入味。