This aloe vera gel is called four seasons multi-purpose treasure, which extracts the fresh juice of California aloe vera, which can add moisture to the skin! At the same time, aloe vera is rich in vitamin E, C, A and B vitamins, mineral elements, amino acids, etc., which are the basic nutrients to keep the body youthful. You can put it in the refrigerator freezer before use, take it out and apply it directly every time you use it, it will feel super cool on the skin. The texture is clear and transparent gel-like, the taste is light fragrance, it smells very comfortable and refreshing. talk about usage 🌟When the moisturizing cream is used, you can use aloe vera gel to moisturize after wiping the water. It is dry in winter, so you need to use other moisturizing products. In summer, you can directly apply aloe vera gel, super refreshing 🌟For face mask, apply a thick layer after cleansing and wash off after 15 to 20 minutes. You can also apply a water film on the surface for better effect 🌟After shampooing with hair care products, dry the water stains, apply an appropriate amount of aloe vera gel evenly on the hair, and then blow it with a hair dryer to reduce the damage to the hair by the hair dryer. 🌟Repair after sunburn When the skin is sunburned and reddened by the sun in summer, take an appropriate amount of aloe vera gel and apply it on the surface of the skin in a thick layer. It's even better when you take it out in the refrigerator! ! ! 🌟Repair acne Because aloe vera itself has soothing, calming and anti-inflammatory effects, it can also relieve acne and fade acne marks! Rub aloe vera gel on the surface after popping a pimple to make it heal faster! # 我要当测评官第3期 # # 百万积分第五季 # # 2018剁手红榜 # # 开箱大吉 #
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yami_featured_image 这个芦荟胶被称为四季多用宝,提取了加州芦荟新鲜原汁,能够为肌肤补充水分!同时芦荟中含有的丰富维生素E,C,A及B族维生素,矿物元素,氨基酸等,都是保持机体青春常在的基本营养素,芦荟多糖,酚类化合物等,是芦荟特有的美容护肤成分 ! 平时使用前可以把它放进冰箱冷藏室,每次用的时候拿出来直接涂,会感觉皮肤超级凉爽。 质地是清澈透明的啫喱状,味道是淡淡的清香,闻着很舒服清爽。 说说用法 🌟当补水面霜用 擦完水之后可以擦芦荟胶来保湿,冬天比较干,所以需要擦别的保湿产品。夏天的话可以直接抹芦荟胶,超级清爽 🌟做面膜用 洁面后涂上厚厚的一层,过15至20分钟洗掉即可 还可以在表面敷一个水膜,效果更加 🌟当护发产品用 洗发后,擦干水渍,取适量芦荟胶均匀的抹于头发上,再用吹风机吹可以减少吹风机对头发的损伤。 🌟晒后修复 夏天皮肤被太阳晒伤和晒红时,取适量的芦荟胶涂在皮肤表面,厚厚的一层。 放在冰箱中拿出来用会更爽!!! 🌟修复痘痘 因为芦荟本身有舒缓镇静和消炎的作用,所以也能够舒缓痘痘,淡化痘印! 在挤过痘痘之后,将芦荟胶擦在表面,可以使痘痘好起来更快!# 我要当测评官第3期 # # 百万积分第五季 # # 2018剁手红榜 # # 开箱大吉 #