Last time I wrote about Tang Daren Write a summary of the instant noodles this time. I really have eaten all the instant noodles from The more you eat, the more delicious it used to be, the more you feel I don't know if it's because I'm "talented" or what, I can often taste the essence when I eat instant noodles, I don't like it very much. Put it in front of you, Tangda people must! Must! Buy! No thunder at all! What you grab is what you earn! And that Sao rice noodle, because it is a southerner, it is not easy to evaluate whether it is authentic or not, but it is not suitable for my taste. Southerners can refer to it as appropriate. To be honest, Master Kong's instant noodles, the seasoning method is okay, that is, it is all seasonings, and Tang Daren's soup is really soup stock. And... I don't know if I eat more or if Master Kong has less I, a girl, can't get enough to eat a bag of instant noodles? ? ? ? ? ? BTW, let's mention Bo Bo chicken again The vine pepper version is really recommended Sometimes when I’m busy, I don’t have time to cook and just unpack the package and eat it. After eating the soup, I can keep some vegetables and put some lunch meat in it. It’s another meal…
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上次写了汤达人 这次写一下泡面的总结吧 亚米网的泡面我真的都吃遍了 吃得越多,以前觉得很好吃的也没有什么感觉了 不知道是我“天赋异禀”还是咋滴,吃泡面经常能吃到香精的味道,很不喜欢 放在前面说,汤达人必!须!买! 完全没有雷!抢到就是赚到! 然后那个骚米粉,因为是个南方人,不好评价正不正宗,但是不适合我的口味,南方人可以酌情参考 康师傅的泡面说实话,调味手段还行,就是全是调味剂,汤达人的汤就真的是高汤 而且……不知道是我吃得多还是康师傅变少了 我一个女生吃一包泡面居然吃不饱?????? BTW再提一下钵钵鸡 藤椒版本真的推荐 有时候忙起来没时间做饭直接拆一包就吃,吃完汤留着还能烫点蔬菜放点午餐肉进去,又是一顿……