# 炸鸡安利 # For acne-prone skin, my favorite facial cleanser and lotion is strongly Amway! Recently, because I have been moving all the time, I rarely buy packages, so I rarely post goods. Now I will stock up as soon as I live, and then come to Amway quickly, this is the second set I have repurchased 🤩🤩🤩 In the first half of the year, I started to get acne out of nowhere, and the healthy water I had been using before was not working anymore. I have tried all kinds of expensive skin care products, but the results were mediocre. Until I saw a YouTuber recommending this alcohol-free skin care product, I decided to give it a try. I just saw it on Yami and the price is much cheaper than Japanese supermarkets. After using this facial cleanser, I feel better than the previous amino acid facial cleanser, and my face will not be too dry. After using the lotion, the face is smooth and not too dry, but if you have dry skin, you need to apply some other moisturizing agents. Overall, it is a very mild and non-irritating one. It is really good for sensitive skin and acne-prone skin. 😊😊😊 # 快乐宅零食清单 # # 开箱大吉 # # 0Placeholder_for_esaay_translationf14bc4fe8d0a4f8b9a
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# 炸鸡安利 # 痘痘肌來強烈安利我最愛的洗面奶和化妝水!最近因為一直搬家所以很少買包裹,所以也很少曬貨。現在一住下來就囤貨,然後趕緊來安利,這是我回購的第二套了🤩🤩🤩 前半年莫名其妙開始長痘痘,之前一直用的健康水也不好用了,各種貴的護膚品都嘗試過但效果都普普。直到看了一個YouTuber推薦了這款無酒精的護膚品就決定試一試,正好亞米上看到而且價格比日本超市便宜很多。 用了這個洗面奶感覺比之前胺基酸洗面奶還要好用,用這個臉也不會太幹。化妝水用了之後臉上滑滑的,不會太乾,不過乾皮的話還要多抹一些別的保濕。整體來說就是很溫和無刺激的一款,對於敏感肌痘痘肌的我真的很好用😊😊😊 # 快乐宅零食清单 # # 开箱大吉 # # 什么值得买 #