# 百万积分第五季 # When I woke up in the morning and went downstairs with my son, I saw a very familiar package at the entrance of the stairs. Before I could see who it was, my sister-in-law immediately revealed the answer, saying that it was sent to me by my family, but unfortunately At that time, my son in my arms couldn't wait to drink milk and could only sigh at the package. . . It's been a long night since I was busy with my work. I can finally unpack the package, put in the flowers and take a picture, and then send it to the store the next day to play the residual heat, who would think. . . There is a treasure in my family who is "hot hand to destroy flowers", and from time to time, he will take out flowers to make petal showers. . . Come on, hurry up and put the flowers at the door, otherwise I really don't know how much will be left the next day😂😂😂
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# 百万积分第五季 # 早上醒来抱着儿子下楼就看到在楼梯口的一个很眼熟的包裹,还没来得及看是谁的,我家弟媳就直接揭晓答案,说是我家那位送我的,可惜当时我怀里的儿子等不及要喝奶了,只能望着这包裹而兴叹了。。。好不容易事情忙完已经天晚上,终于可以拆包裹,插好花拍个照想着第二天让人送到店里发挥一下余热,谁想。。。我家有位“辣手摧花”的宝,时不时的抽支花出来给做成花瓣雨。。。得了,赶紧把花放门口,不然真不知道第二天还能剩下多少😂😂😂