Time to show off my lazy egg brooch family! I probably fell in love with Lazy Egg in my first year of high school, and I don’t know why, but I still like it so much that I can’t help buying it when I see the surrounding of Lazy Egg! I literally saw heaven in Japantown in SF! There are lazy eggs in the library stationery store and even the cosmetics store hahahaha But rationality reminded me of wallets👛, so I rationally bought a few brooches as souvenirs~ It is a good match to use on bags or hats # 开年这样穿 #
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是时候秀一下我的懒蛋蛋胸针家族啦! 大概是高一开始喜欢上懒蛋蛋,也不知道什么原因,现在还是很喜欢它,以至于一看到懒蛋蛋的周边就忍不住买! 在SF的Japantown我简直看到了天堂!图书馆文具店乃至化妆品店都有懒蛋蛋的身影哈哈哈哈 不过理智让我想到了钱包👛,于是还是理性地买了几只胸针当纪念算啦~ 用来别在包包上或是帽子上都是不错的搭配哦# 开年这样穿 #